fund achieves 8.76% bid to bid and is the only portfolio in the active managed sector to deliver a positive return over a three-year period
Management of the European funds at Old Mutual Asset Managers is to be moved to the group's quants-d...
buybacks and lack of portfolio discipline have eroded the traditional benefits of trusts
Unicorn Asset Management is to launch an Oeic with two sub-funds in the run up to Christmas, a FTSE ...
Chief executive JIM Sutcliffe explains how the business has changed over the past three years and why the group will continue to back selestia
European high yield bonds have had a disappointing past 18 months with spreads over German bunds exc...
Henry Maxey, Investment Manager Sir, Your article on page 3 of 26 August's Investment Week: Ruff...
Ruffer Income, the top performing UK equity income fund over one year, is less than 25% invested in ...
Unicorn Asset Management is to launch an Isa wrapper for its investment trusts and Oeics and has si...
Unicorn Asset Management's Oeic sub-funds and investment trusts will be available to buy within a Ma...