RLAM, Vanguard, Fundsmith: The best-selling funds of 2018

Six global names among top ten sellers

Jayna Rana
clock • 3 min read

Global equity funds were among the best-sellers of 2018 according to Morningstar data, with Fundsmith, Royal London and Vanguard funds seeing the biggest inflows for the year out of all the UK-domiciled vehicles in the Investment Association.

Six global names featured in the top ten sellers, including the £1.4bn Royal London Global Equity Diversified and £2.3bn Access Long Term Global Growth Investment funds, which saw heightened investor sentiment last year as the fifth and sixth best-sellers, with inflows of £1.4bn and £1.3bn respectively. Meanwhile, veteran manager Terry Smith's Fundsmith Equity fund, which also has a global mandate, was the second best-selling fund for the year, with £2.1bn of inflows. This means the fund is now the second-largest in the IA universe, with over £16bn in assets under management, taking t...

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