About 9,000 workers who are subject to labour laws in both the UK and another European country are to be exempted from the auto-enrolment process.
JLT Wealth Management has confirmed it is suspending defined benefit (DB) transfer exercises after the Financial Services Authority (FSA) issued guidance on how transfer values are to be calculated.
The government risks undermining confidence in auto-enrolment through "endless changes and delays", warns the National Association of Pension Funds.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has moved to relax rules governing some UK pension schemes as low gilt yields are leaving hundreds underfunded.
Companies could be missing thousands of eligible workers out of their auto-enrolment plans because they wrongly believe they are classed as self-employed, consultants and a lawyer warn.
Seven industry bodies have written to Steve Webb strongly criticising the government's proposals on Guaranteed Minimum Pension equalisation and calling for equalisation guidance put forward in January to be scrapped.
Defined benefit payouts will peak this year before tailing off as the impact of scheme closures is felt, the Department for Work and Pensions says.
The average pension saver has lost £2,750 a year from their future income in retirement over the last year, research finds.
The revised auto-enrolment implementation schedule will net the government £380m in reduced tax relief on pension contributions, according to budget documents.
Unions have lost their appeal against the judicial review that backed the government's decision to use the Consumer Prices Index for uprating public sector pensions.