Barclays has questioned the impact of Henderson's 'costly' advertising campaign, which featured former Chelsea manager José Mourinho.
Architas has mapped its funds on the Morningstar Adviser Workstation risk profiling-scale.
Aviva Investors has introduced Retail Distribution Review (RDR)-ready share classes for a range of its most popular funds to cater for the needs of UK advisers and intermediaries.
Axa is to continue to offer its Elevate platform at a discount in order to entice advisers into its Architas fund range, albeit at a reduced rate.
Skandia's multi-manager range is to compete on price with the directly-invested sector, as part of the group's plan to continue aggressive negotiation with fund managers.
People who fail to make a will could leave their loved ones with a hefty inheritance tax bill, website Unbiased has warned.
In the latest Big Debate, our panelists from Rathbone Unit Trust Management and S&P Capital IQ discussed Multi-Manager.
James Hay has added more than 100 new funds to its platform, including a number of risk-rated and multi-manager offerings.
Aberdeen Asset Management has launched a Retail Distribution Review (RDR) share class for its multi-manager range.
Henderson has launched two low-cost income funds for Bill McQuaker and the multi-asset team.