A businessman who wrote a government report that criticised RBS has been told he can no longer remain a customer of the bank, according to the BBC's Panorama programme.
A family of five, their mortgage adviser and a solicitor have narrowly escaped jail after being found guilty of masterminding a £1.5m mortgage fraud.
Pensioners in the UK are using equity release to boost their income by an average of £67,500, according to analysis carried out by over-55s financial provider Key Retirement.
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Network the Mortgage Advice Bureau has announced plans to list on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM).
Tesco Bank has launched its first range of 90% loan to value (LTV) mortgage loans.
Homebuyers in Scotland purchasing property worth over £250,000 will face a soaring tax bill from April next year as Stamp Duty is abolished in favour of a new levy called the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax.
A new advisory firm has landed a contract with benefit solutions business Next Jump, which will allow its site to be accessed by 2.4 million consumers.
Our weekly heads-up on events, people moves and other bits for professional financial advisers...