The Association of British Insurers (ABI) and Department of Health have signed a ‘statement of intent' focusing on the future development of the long-term care market.
The shadow minister for care and older people Liz Kendall has warned of a ‘misinformation scandal' in the delivery of long-term care advice.
Advisers have stressed they are keen to become more involved in long-term care (LTC) advice, with a desire to be included in council referral lists, the Association of Professional Financial Advisers (APFA) says.
Pensioners could have to pay out £150,000 on long-term care before the government will step in, according to the Labour party.
An IFA has joined forces with a care provider to provide an independent advice service for those seeking home care.
Fiona Murphy asks industry commentators what they lobbied for in the long-term care consultation and for an update on the passage of the Care Bill.
Fiona Murphy asks whether a pensions overhaul could help encourage people to save for their long-term care needs
The government has promised people will not be forced to sell their homes to pay for care in old age after a proposal to restrict eligibility to defer payment was exposed.