Nick Train: Why recent sell-off was a 'wonderful buying opportunity'

Headwinds and opportunities

Jayna Rana
clock • 7 min read

Nick Train, co-founder of Lindsell Train and manager of the £1.2bn Finsbury Growth & Income trust, talks to Jayna Rana about his response to the recent sell-off, why he 'famously does incredibly little' in terms of portfolio activity and how he is making up for the lack of UK-based global technology giants in a tech-driven world

After launching boutique investment firm Lindsell Train in 2000, manager Nick Train now runs over £10bn alongside co-founder Michael Lindsell across UK, Japanese and global equities within a range of open- and closed-ended funds. He shares responsibility for the £3.9bn Lindsell Train Global Equity fund with Lindsell and is sole manager of the firm's £4.8bn UK Equity fund, which is the fourth best-performing fund in the 267- strong IA UK All Companies sector over ten years, returning 264%, according to FE. Train has also been managing the £1.2bn Finsbury Growth & Income trust, whose di...

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