Advisers urged to get ahead of care 'political football'

‘Strong’ regulatory and commercial imperative to get to grips with care

Jen Frost
clock • 7 min read

With a chunk of Scottish care reform plans having been chopped in late January and England and Wales in the early stages of 'National Care Service' considerations, Professional Adviser caught up with My Care Consultant founding director Jacqueline Berry to find out how financial advisers should be thinking about care and what change could look like across Great Britain.

My Care Consultant launched its My Care Hub, described by Berry as a "one stop shop for care advice" early last year. Berry, who was named a 2024 Women in Financial Advice Awards support services winner, urged advisers to get on board with care services, despite slow going when it comes to reform. Advisers who do understand the social care landscape and are offering expertise to clients are "putting themselves at a commercial advantage," Berry told PA. "This advantage is as much about meeting other financial planning needs as care, because in our experience the conversation almost alw...

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