UK gilts continue to reign in latest FE Passive Crown rebalance

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clock • 3 min read

UK gilts are once again the asset class with the highest percentage of 5 FE Passive Crowns but the proportion of funds achieving the accolade has fallen in the data provider's latest rebalance of the passive sector.

While nearly half (48%) of UK gilts funds achieved the maximum five FE Passive Crown Rating in July, this has fallen to 38% in the latest rebalance. However, UK gilts fund maintained their position as the top of the sector charts, followed by property, North American equities and emerging markets equities funds, which saw vehicles achieving the top 5 Crown rating reach 30%, 29% and 29% respectively. Meanwhile, not a single sterling corporate bond bund achieved the top rating for the third consecutive rebalance in a row, which FE portfolio manager Oliver Clarke-Williams attributed to t...

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