Mundy: A contrarian view on the bull case for equities

The year always begins with Uncle Tom Cobley and all offering their 12-month forecasts for a number of major asset classes


The year always begins with Uncle Tom Cobley and all offering their 12-month forecasts for a number of major asset classes.

Despite market conditions, the views I have read have been remarkably consensual: sell bonds, buy equities, avoid anything with emerging in the title, buy the US dollar, and buy plenty of Japanese equities. As always, it is good practice to have an open mind when reading these documents and to form a view on the merits of the arguments presented. Therefore, let us assess the main reasons why investors are encouraged to stick with equities. Bull markets climb a wall of worry Here, the bulls simply brush off any bearish arguments, with no need for further analysis. Of course, this argume...

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