Simon Evan-Cook: Why investors need more imagination

'Imagine a world different to today'

clock • 4 min read

Maybe it is the natural optimist in us, but imagination often goes missing when investing, writes Simon Evan-Cook. Especially when many are stuck shovelling their money into yesterday's winners …

Mass surveillance? States tampering with the media? Home-entertainment devices that transmit from the home as well as to it? Hard to know if I'm describing life today or in George Orwell's 1984.  Published in the late 1940s, 1984 was a work of imagination that served as the ultimate risk warning and our fear of Orwell's fictional dystopia has since helped to prevent it from happening. Seventy years later, our data-obsessed industry, which measures risk to two decimal places, could do with a little more of that imagination.  We are all in the risk-management business. We have to manage...

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