A Tory government would scrap the 50p tax rate for top earners - but not until at least 2012, George Osborne has indicated.
Lord Ashcroft has saved more than £127m in British tax since he became a member of the House of Lords, according to estimates from Liberal Democrat research.
Lord Turner will tell Parliament today regulators such as the FSA should force new, higher, capital and liquidity ratios on the world's largest banks.
David Cameron is facing questions about how much he knew about Tory deputy chairman Lord Ashcroft's "non-dom" tax status.
The Retail Distribution Review has set the clock ticking for those giving regulated advice and sales guidance on retail products, says Matt Smith
The politics of long-term care funding has become very contentious in the run up to the election and the debate has moved from a relatively rational debate on options for the future to emotive political point scoring.
More than 60 leading economists have backed Alistair Darling's decision to delay spending cuts until 2011, creating a dividing line within the profession on the crucial general election issue of how to tackle the UK's huge public debt.
Patrick Reeve, managing partner of Albion Ventures, says VCTs have become the default tax planning investment for higher earners.
The Conservatives will launch an ‘attack on regulation' and work to restore Britain's savings rates if the party wins the General Election, George Osborne says.
As we approach the election it is worth looking at the Conservatives' ideas on welfare reform.