FSA chief executive Hector Sants has been awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), alongside BBA chief executive Angela Knight.
The FSA has been forced to admit it lost dozens of staff in the third quarter alone, after Lord Myners questioned the Treasury about a flurry of recent exits from the regulator.
The Consumer Protection and Markets Authority (CPMA) must have more power than its FSA predecessor, including the right to ban particular products, Hector Sants told ministers today.
The FSA has appointed Gerard Lemos as chairman of the new Consumer Financial Education Body (CFEB).
Rowanmoor's Mark Lisle says the regulator and the national team both lack confidence, commitment and leadership.
Europe must focus on growth as well as cutting spending to reduce national deficits, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says.
Hector Sants told FSA staff in a memo he hoped his decision to remain with the regulator would be a "welcome one".
The RDR will continue under the new financial regulatory structure, Hector Sants said today.
The new Government has announced plans for a total shake-up of finanical services regulation to conclude in 2012, which is also the deadline for IFAs to meet RDR requirements.
The FSA has appointed Tom Boardman as senior adviser on life insurance.