While inflation is expected to rise after last year’s lows, it will likely be transitory. Sunil Krishnan explores what this means for the economy, yield curves and equity markets.
A robust multi-asset strategy depends on three factors: built-in ESG integration, strong portfolio construction and dynamic management
The FCA’s latest ‘Financial Lives’ survey report offers a deep insight into the ‘state of the nation’ and what we could do as an industry to move the dial.
Green bonds are one of the more visible sides of the increasing interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts on investing. The events of 2020 appear to have only accelerated this trend.
After the brutal sell-off in the first quarter of 2020, equity markets embarked on a rally which was to confound even the most optimistic expectations.
ESG considerations are integrated as part of our approach multi‐asset investing. Shane O’Brien, Senior Investment Director at Aviva Investors, explains how consistent engagement with a well‐known UK financial institution led to a positive commitment on climate change.