Jeremy Gleeson, portfolio manager at AXA Framlington, explains why interest in the technology sector is gaining pace.
Robin Hepworth, CIO of Ecclesiastical Investment Management, looks at the options now the supposed safe havens of cash and government bonds are out of bounds for most investors
There are close to 600,000 'millionaire households' in the UK, according to the latest estimates, but, as a share of total households, Britain lags Ireland, Kuwait and Taiwan.
Joanna Faith asks industry experts what they think the next 12 months has in store for the global macro picture.
We look at key themes and events that have impacted investment over the past year.
As business confidence plummets to a 30-year low, Prime Minister David Cameron sticks to his austerity guns whilst leader of the opposition Ed Miliband calls on the government to withdraw ‘punishing' tax changes….here's our roundup of the top stories...
Looking back at the weekend's national newspapers, your clients may have picked up on reports into unregulated investments, wills and pension fund fees...
Another year, another Japanese prime minister. Thankfully, when we buy Japanese equities, we are buying Japanese companies, not the Japanese economy and certainly not the Japanese government.
Andrew Milligan examines whether Western countries are facing the same fate as Japan following the 1989-1990 crash.