Stress and other mental health issues are now the most common reason for people absent from work, new research has found.
Mental health problems will be the number one health priority for the world in the near future and workplaces must play their part in tackling it, a conference has heard.
The government has extended its NHS choice agenda to include community and mental health services.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has proposed new guidelines for adult mental health care provided by the NHS.
GPs have condemned the care offered to mental health patients by the NHS while some have resorted to prescribing drugs to those facing long waiting lists.
Cigna has produced two new online mental health guides to help employers limit the impact of these conditions in the workplace.
When there is a flurry of tax reform, as there has been in the past year, some things tend to get lost in all the activity. This little gem had almost escaped notice.
Legal & General has welcomed government plans to increase access to treatment for mental health conditions and adopt approaches successfully used by group risk providers.
Alice suffered from anorexia in her teens and early 20s. She now has a partner with whom she shares a joint mortgage but also has some underlying mild depression.
Employers are increasingly addressing issues such as mental health in a bid to reduce long term absence rates, research from Aviva suggests.