Henderson has launched two low-cost income funds for Bill McQuaker and the multi-asset team.
Architas is offering the option to map its funds to the FinaMetrica risk-profiling scale, to help advisers match their clients with the group's funds.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has said it remains ‘unconvinced' about the idea of replacing the current Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) funding model with product levies, despite arguments it could create a fairer system.
The government has been criticised for its insistence that the Money Advice Service (MAS) should be responsible for educating consumers about risk.
Fiona Murphy asks what trends advisers and providers are seeing in SIPP investments
A traditional portfolio construction is no longer adequate to protect against risk, a poll of advisers has found.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) should extend its guidance on investment-switching suitability to consider volatility and risk, according to Skandia Investment Group.
Novia has added Arjent's multi-asset portfolios to the wrap in an expansion of its discretionary manager offering.
Recent market uncertainty has seen extreme volatility in investment markets over the last few years.
An alarmingly high number of consumers do not know how to risk-rate standard financial products, such as equity ISAs and with-profits bonds, research suggests.