Celebrities, bankers and football stars have been caught up in an alleged £125m tax fraud after putting their money into failed film investment plans.
The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has turned its sights on the Caribbean as part of its commitment to global enforcement in order to stop the use of foreign bank accounts to evade US taxes.
Retirement Planner's round-up of the top pension stories this week.
Bristol and West, which is owned by the Bank of Ireland, has lost an attempt at a Tax Tribunal to avoid paying about £30m tax on a £91m gain.
An insurance broker has launched an e-petition to reinstate tax relief on private medical insurance following a decade of price rises for consumers.
Better-off pensioners should pay tax at a similar rate to younger people on comparative incomes, according to the Fabian Society.
A spate of professional negligence claims have been lodged against the promoters of tax avoidance schemes - including advisers - following a clampdown by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), according to Reynolds Porter Chamberlain (RPC), the City law firm.
A tax barrister who designed his own tax avoidance scheme and defended it in court against HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has lost his attempt to avoid paying £190,000 in tax.
High earning workers will shift about £5bn into the new tax year to take advantage of the cut in top rate tax, the Sunday Times reports.