The Money Advice Service's (MAS) senior management team shared a bonus of more than £100,000 in 2010/11, it has been revealed.
The government is making 10,000 compensation payments to Equitable Life victims every week, Mark Hoban, financial secretary to the Treasury, has announced.
The government has taken a step towards creating tax-transparent collective investment schemes (CIS) within the UK.
Reckless bank chiefs who damage the economy could face jail sentences under new measures under consideration by the government.
The Financial Services Authority's (FSA) report into the failure of HBOS is being delayed by a legal challenge from Peter Cummings, a former senior executive at the bank.
Ministers and pension scheme representatives will meet every fortnight over the next three months to plan funding in UK infrastructure.
Why it may be time to nudge your clients back into risk assets...
Joanna Faith asks industry experts what they think the next 12 months has in store for the global macro picture.
A deal between unions and the government on pension reform has been restarted after an intervention from a minister threatened to derail talks.
It's been another busy (and in some instances raucous) year in financial services. While it's been a positive 12 months in many respects for advisers, the regulator has again come in for criticism...