Freddie Mac has reported a Q3 loss of $4.1bn, built largely on bad home loans and dividend payments to the Treasury.
A Treasury sub-committee today launches an inquiry into HMRC's effectiveness and administration, following several thousand cases of over and under-paid income tax.
Treasury minister Mark Hoban has backed the move to fee charging as advisers' contribution to rebuilding trust in Britain's financial institutions.
Hargreaves Lansdown forecasts the government will cap pension tax relief at between 20% and 40% ahead of the Treasury's policy announcement on Thursday.
Lowering the annual pension contribution allowance to £40,000 could persuade some middle-management public servants to take up career average schemes to avoid harsh tax penalties, pensions expert Tom McPhail says.
The Tories faced renewed questions over their links to rich tycoons last night after accepting a £500,000 donation from a City boss who revels in his comparison to a notorious Hollywood villain.
The Consumer Protection and Markets Authority (CPMA) will follow the same strategy as the Labour-built FSA it is set to replace, the Treasury says today.
The coalition government will not bring a speedier resolution for Equitable policyholders
The Treasury Select Committee will have the power to veto the appointment of the new chairman of the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), Chancellor George Osborne has said.
Loren Norton at Direxion looks at the opportunity to short US Treasuries using ETFs