All intermediaries should soon be able to advise clients to hold term assurance policies beyond the age of 70 as it is anticipated a rule governing their regulation at sale could be removed as early as the end of this week.
Gordon Brown has refused to apologise for the decision to abolish tax credits on dividends which is estimated to have cost occupational pension schemes around £5bn a year.
Many Eastern European countries, including the Baltic States and Russia, have adopted a flat tax system. The theory behind flat taxes contains two main arguments. First, by having a single rate of tax, the system is simple; people understand what they...
The pensions industry has been left disappointed by the Prime Minister's response to a petition calling for the abolition of the 70% tax charge on funds left from Alternatively Secured Pension.
The Treasury has extended the deadline for the processing of pipeline pension term assurance business to midnight on 31 July, following lobbying by the Association of British Insurers.
The Treasury has defended Gordon Brown's decision to remove dividend tax credits in 1997, calling it an "anomaly" in the tax system which "distorted business decisions and discouraged long-term investment".
The Treasury Department of the Isle of Man is preparing for a full roll-out of online services which will help advisers and companies "interact with the income tax system".
The decision to remove tax credits on the payment of dividends to pension schemes was ‘unhelpful' but only one of several reasons why workplace pensions have come under increasing pressure, warns the National Association of Pension Funds.
Treasury officials yesterday left the door open for a new chancellor to change the government's widely discredited fiscal rules following Gordon Brown's expected move to Number 10, reports the Financial Times .
The Isle of Man Treasury is planning to remove the compulsory annuitisation of pension schemes, under its proposals for 'pensions simplification', because there are now fewer annuity providers on the island.