A move by the Treasury to link pensions term assurance to pensions would create considerable costs for providers and advisers, says Andy Milburn, IFA market manager at Royal Liver.
There are rumours in the protection industry the Treasury may reach a middle ground on pension term assurance and allow a watered-down version of the product to continue.
The government has announced a service that will be aimed at providing consumers, including those on low incomes, with "quick, easy and simple access" to good quality advice on financial products.
Rule changes to the Isa regime will come into effect by April 2008, one year sooner than previously outlined by the government, the Treasury has announced.
NEW LAWS to curb tax avoidance by contract workers could penalise genuine employers and recruitment companies, according to the Financial Times .
An ITV1 programme being aired tonight about the decline of large defined benefit pension schemes warns at least 80% of the population should be worried about how they will survive in retirement.
The Treasury has announced its project to tackle loan sharks is being rolled out to every region in the UK.
A national approach to generic advice should cover a wide range of financial issues and questions including offering "advice on advisers", says the government.
Winterthur has denied accusations of being inflammatory towards the Treasury over the issue of Alternatively Secured Pensions.
The article published on IFAonline on 20th November contains some misconceptions about the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)/IFA pro-bono projects to which we would like to respond to.