Question: Complexity and cost are two reasons I give when asked why I don't recommend unit-linked guarantees to my customers. Are we likely to see more cost effective products coming onto the market?
Question: What are you doing to allay customer concerns about the longevity of this market?
COVER Magazine is moving office and will have new contact details from Monday 07 March.
IN Partnership chief executive Kevin McDonagh shares his six top tips for business success at the group's 2010 Investment Conference.
Question: Would the panel suggest a ‘Structured Deposit' as a safe way of investing?
Question: Is a Guaranteed Equity Bond a safer option of investment on a structured product?
Question: I am wondering what the panel make of the term ‘counterparty risk' when it comes to the security of Structured Products?
Question: Pricing Transparency - Is there a uniform standard of pricing your structured products?
Question: What about liquidity? One common risk associated with Structured Products is a relative lack of liquidity due to the highly customized nature of the investment - how can ETFNs counter act this concern and what do the experts suggest as alternative...