Many investors now believe the future lies in global equities. M&G's range of top‐performing global equities funds are designed to take full advantage of investment opportunities worldwide, and to meet the performance requirements of every global investor.
The emergence of new economic superpowers, and urbanisation and growing consumerism in the developing world, are changing the dynamics of trade and investment worldwide. To remain competitive, companies have to be outward-looking, alert to ever-changing global patterns of demand and supply.
So, too, must the equity investor stay alert - searching for the best opportunities, wherever they may be, particularly as companies' home bases becomes less and less relevant to their overall fortunes.
Investing globally, rather than purely in domestic markets, allows investors to diversify risk and position portfolios for greater potential returns across regions and industries. Taking a global perspective allows investors to choose the most compelling investment ideas in any given industry instead of being restricted by geographical constraints.
To take full advantage of worldwide opportunities, M&G offers a range of global equity funds designed to meet the performance requirements of every global investor. These funds are managed by a specialist Global Equity team, with nine highly-experienced fund managers and analysts, as well as an extensive network of support staff. Based in the City of London, the team manages £13 billion of global equity assets (as at 31 December 2009).
The rigorous investment processes in place for each of the global funds have translated into impressive long-term returns for investors. Under the stewardship of their current managers, encompassing the recent years of high volatility in the financial markets, the funds have all achieved first quartile performance in their respective IMA sectors.
These returns are testament to the talent of the fund managers, supported by the Global Equity team structure. Within that structure, each fund retains its own unique identity - and thus its own compelling offering for investors.
For Financial Advisers only. Not for onward distribution. No other persons should rely on any information contained within this article. Source of performance: M&G Statistics and Morningstar, Inc. as at 31.03.10, unless otherwise stated, bid to bid with net income reinvested, Sterling Class A Shares, IMA Global Growth sector except for M&G Global Emerging Markets which is in the IMA Global Emerging Markets sector. Graham French has managed the M&G Global Basics Fund since 17.11.00. Stuart Rhodes has managed the M&G Global Dividend Fund since 18.07.08. Michael Godfrey and Matthew Vaight have managed the M&G Global Emerging Markets Fund since 06.02.09. Greg Aldridge has managed the M&G Global Growth Fund since 30.04.07. Aled Smith has managed the M&G Global Leaders Fund since 30.09.02.This Financial Promotion is issued by M&G Securities Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and provides investment products. The registered office is Laurence Pountney Hill, London, EC4R 0HH. Registered in England No. 90776.