The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has denied that its preferred option for consolidating small pots will increase cases of pension fraud.
Scottish Widows has linked with Jelf Employee Benefits to provide schemes and online tools for Jelf's auto-enrolment service Money at Work.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is to implement a system where small pension pots follow workers when they change jobs.
Switching the indexation of public sector pension benefits from RPI to CPI in March 2011 saved the government £126bn, a report says.
A Conservative MP and close ally of the Prime Minister will today call for pensioner benefits to be means tested.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has clarified the way in which consultants are allowed to charge for setting up group personal pensions for auto-enrolment.
Banks should be subject to the same level of scrutiny as the trustees of pension funds, a consultancy says.
Over a third of employers said that they were unclear about their staging date for auto-enrolment, according to HR consultants Aon Hewitt.
The Equitable Life payment scheme has made payments to 288,823 policyholders, totalling at more than £277m, since its launch in June 2011.
Chancellor George Osborne has pledged to use fines imposed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to compensate taxpayers in the wake of the LIBOR scandal.