Pensioners' incomes have grown faster since 1999 than those of working age people, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has said.
Failure to shop around for an annuity is costing pensioners £124m per year, Key Retirement Solutions claims.
The National Employment Savings Trust has taken its campaign to make saving popular to the streets of London and Manchester.
More than half of insurers are preparing to change the way they calculate regulatory capital as Solvency II approaches, Deloitte has said.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has reduced the deficit in its defined benefit pension scheme by £7.4m in the past year.
BlackRock has become the latest in a line of providers and asset managers to launch a master trust before auto-enrolment.
Pension providers are split on whether bosses or insurers have responsibility for holding employee contributions during auto-enrolment opt-out periods.
The government "will not come to a firm answer" on the question of small pension pot consolidation despite an industry-wide consultation on the issue initiated by pensions minister Steve Webb.
Cambridge Local Government Pension Fund and Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, have launched Cambridge & Counties bank.
The trustees of the National Employment Savings Trust should take legal action against the government's decision not to remove contribution limits to the vehicle, shadow pensions minister Gregg McClymont has said.