Can we really afford our pensions system afer all?
Thousands of scheme members with small personal pension pots are being "trapped" by poor annuity rates or lack of access to the market.
The Pension Protection Fund has confirmed it aims to collect an overall levy of £600m in 2011/12.
Rothesay Life has bought a majority holding in Paternoster following a four-month sale process.
The government has today published details of the changes it intends to introduce to remove the effective requirement to annuities by age 75 from 6 April 2011.
The government has today published details of the changes it intends to introduce to remove the effective requirement to annuities by age 75 from 6 April 2011.
The Independent Commission on Equitable Life Payments has published a discussion paper asking how funding to non with-profits annuitants should be allocated and prioritised.
Everything you need to know from today's DWP auto-enrolment review...
The exclusion of micro-employers from auto-enrolment was ruled out due to the number of employees that would be excluded and "substantial" practical issues.
The auto-enrolment review has proposed radically simplifying the certification process for existing workplace schemes.