The majority of financial product providers anticipate there will be an increase in the outsourcing of sales and business development within the next five years.
Cofunds has entered into a two-way integration with Intellifo which will allow trading on the platform to be triggered from within Intelliflo's Intelligent Office software.
Consultancy firm the lang cat is working to create an online resource to help advisers carry our appropriate due diligence on platforms.
Prudential has launched a range of clean share classes, known as ‘P shares', which are available on the Standard Life and Aviva platforms.
How much do you remember about some of this week's key stories?
A record year to date performance has taken Ascentric and IFDL past the £7bn milestone for assets under administration.
St James's Place has paid out £1.25m in compensation and redress to clients after uncovering evidence of serious misconduct by former partner Christopher Bladen.