Industry veteran Piers Denne has been hired by alternative investment boutique Future Capital Partners (FCP) to head up its new business development strategy.
The AIC thinks the EC's proposed Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFD) will result in an increased climate of risk - but is "cautiously optimistic" that it can be overturned.
Some of the UK's leading alternative asset providers will take part in a mock trial next month, charged with convincing advisers of the merits of investing in asset classes apart from shares, bonds or cash.
Cecilia Liao, analyst at Citi Quilter, explains the pros and cons of investing through exchange traded funds
JPMorgan Asset Management (JPMAM) has teamed up with Cofunds to offer ten Luxembourg-domiciled funds via the platform.
JPMorgan Asset Management has teamed up with Cofunds to offer ten Luxembourg-domiciled funds on the independent platform.
Gartmore is hiring Paul Graham as head of global alternatives, starting in April.
The huge spike in the VIX index of S&P500 volatility is not likely to revert to the mean in the near future, according to Catherine Vaughn of JPMorgan hedge fund outfit Highbridge Capital Management.
Laven Partners has responded to Nicolas Sarkozy's comments regarding hedge funds, deeming them out-of-date. The investment management consultancy also accused politicians of being ill-informed as to hedge funds regulation.
Lehman Brothers today unveiled drastic restructuring plans after revealing a third quarter loss of almost $4bn.