Nick Flynn explores FOMO - fear of the open market option - something he hopes will be overcome when the FCA implements its Consumer Duty measures...
Enter now: Gold Standard Awards 2021 open for DFMs and financial advisers
Rachel Vahey looks at the inter-connectedness of all things pension in her latest article for RP
Pension providers will be required to book Pension Wise appointments for customers under new plans published by the regulator as it attempts to increase retirement guidance take-up.
RP and PA are pleased to announce that nominations for the 2021 Women in Financial Advice Awards are now open.
Rachel Vahey sets out four key takeaways from the WPC report into pension scams and urges swift, nimble action to stop the perpetrators
Henry Cobbe returns to RP with an in-depth look at drawdown investment pathways and explains what it means for advisers...
Justin Corliss looks at the reasons why drawdown transfers are just not happening and whether things will change when 'Assessing Suitability Part 2' hits
Kim Jarvis looks at the expansion of the Trust Register Service in her latest article for Retirement Planner