Mortgages Plc is to withdraw its self-certified facility for employed mortgage applicants it was announced today.
Helen Morrissey talks to a panel of experts about how they expect the equity release market to develop
Each month, we ask our industry to answer one big question!
Investors are largely responsible for the current health of the buy-to-let lending market, according to property investment firm Assetz.
What are the market drivers that makes itan attractive sector for amateur landlords? By Graham Felstead, Head of Corporate Accounts, RBS Intermediary Partners
CHL Mortgages has launched a number of fixed rate and tracker buy-to-let products it was announced today.
Six of the US's biggest banks have announced a plan to help homeowners struggling with their mortgage payments.
The credit crunch is undoubtedly having a huge effect on the financial services industry. However, it also marks a huge opportunity for equity release says Jayne Almond
Each month, we ask our industry to answer one big question!
The arrears management processes of mortgage lenders often increase the arrears problems faced by borrowers, according to a report by Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).