Advantage, the specialist lending subsidiary of Morgan Stanley, has today announced a series of changes across its mortgage range.
Taking home reversion exams could open doors to a profitable new business, says Nigel Hare-Scott
Mortgage advisers report they are continuing to see a strong flow of business from the buy-to-let sector, with around 21% of their current business coming from landlords, according to Paragon's September Buy-to-Let Index.
CHL Mortgages has today launched five new variable rate tracker mortgages to its buy-to-let range.
Cheval Bridging Finance has been revealed as the first lender on Paradigm Mortgage Services' bridging lender panel.
Mortgage Box and Personal Touch have today announced they will join forces with Mortgage Express to launch an exclusive buy-to-let deal.
Enterprise Finance has today announced an extension of its exclusive arrangement with ADV2 to include a buy-to-let proposition.
The Woolwich has launched two new mortgage products, aimed at the upper and lower ends of the market.
Lenders are playing down concerns the US sub-prime mortgage crisis will spread to the UK.
Intermediaries wishing to do equity release business with Safe Home Income Plans (SHIP) members will need to pass a compulsory exam first, it was confirmed today.