More than three quarters of brokers believe the 100% plus loan to value (LTV) mortgage and loan market will grow in the next two years, according to Alliance & Leicester Mortgages.
The FSA's report into the sub-prime mortgage market, which resulted in the regulator taking action against five intermediary firms for ‘weaknesses' in their advice procedures, has been largely welcomed by the mortgage industry.
The FSA has begun enforcement proceedings against five intermediary firms in the sub-prime mortgage market after finding "weaknesses" in lending practices and in firms' assessments of a consumer's ability to afford a mortgage.
The Mortgage Alliance (TMA) one of the UK's biggest mortgage clubs, has launched a dedicated Mortgage Desk for club members.
Nigel Hare-Scott analyses the impact regulation will have on the equity release market
Duncan Young takes a look at the equity release market and seeks to determine why the market is not growing more quickly
The FSA could force sub-prime mortgage lenders to shut out the very people they were set up to help, according to Reynolds Porter Chamberlain.
THE collapse of America's sub-prime lending market has given a boost to Keydata's Income Property Bond, which invests in rented property in the US.
An eminent expert conducting a review of the UK mortgage market in 2004 declared customers should be buying products with long-term fixed rates and that brokers should be pushing these.