Modest rate cuts would be justified in this scenario, says US investment giant
Some strategic bond funds are more effective than others
Even in a world where global stocks and bonds are positively correlated, the 60/40 model delivers value to investors
Our latest research shows that, for most investors, their best chance of maximising returns over the long term lies in minimising costs by investing in low-cost index funds and ETFs that track their market benchmarks
In the second half of 2023, we anticipate further worldwide economic challenges
Against the current economic backdrop of high inflation and rising rates, cash has re-emerged as a strategic asset, yet financial advisers could be missing the opportunity to earn more for their clients.
Investors are now holding more cash than ever and with rising interest rates, this resurgence is not surprising.
Opportunities exist though caution is advised
Higher yields offer a fertile environment for fixed income
US high yield market is healthiest in years