Bupa grew its overall revenues and underlying pre-tax surplus by 9% last year.
IFA Eldercare and equity release specialists Laterliving have signed a working relationship agreement in expectation of changes in the care funding system.
Only 3% of councils point residents towards appropriate financial advice despite rising long-term care costs, a new study has revealed.
Consumer insurance for long-term care (LTC) will not solve the problems of social care funding in England and Wales and a hybrid public-private partnership model should be explored instead, according to a new report.
Cuts to long-term care funding could lead to a shortfall of almost 100,000 care home beds over the next ten years, according to a new study.
Three-quarters of over-50s expect the government to pay for all or most of their long-term care needs, research suggests.
The asset threshold over which individuals cannot access state help with long term care (LTC) bills has been frozen at £23,250 until 2013.
Poor knowledge of the system of lasting powers of attorney (LPA) has left many pensioners seeking long-term care facing delays and other problems, solicitors say.
Partnership has launched a consumer website offering details on all aspects of long term care (LTC) funding, from local authority assessments through to charity helplines.
Just 4% of the population has made firm plans to fund their future long-term care (LTC) needs while two thirds (63%) have not even considered the matter, according to ABI research.