Industry expert labels broker-designed protection products system inadequate
The Association of Independent Financial Advisers (Aifa) has called for the structure, processes and charges of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to be given a radical overhaul. What do you think of such an idea, and what do you think of the Hunt...
The whole of life market has been hit with yet another year of poor sales figures, but is there a way that the sector can grow to offer a more up-to-date offering to consumers? Lucy Quinton reports. Click here to download pdf
Many across the industry have been distinctly underwhelmed by the new Insurance Conduct of Business sourcebook but, as Lucy Quinton writes, it still holds a few surprises.
At the end of last year, Norwich Union said that it was planning to launch a guaranteed claims pilot. If launched, it will offer policyholders a guarantee that their protection policies will pay out and will be available for an extra £2 to £3 a month....
The FSA has targeted payment protection insurance (PPI) failures in its new Insurance Conduct of Business sourcebook (ICOBS).
After another less-than-successful year, individual income protection is the subject on everybody's lips as this month's COVER survey paints a stark picture. Lucy Quinton reports. Click here to download pdf