It looks like that many over 55s may be facing a difficult few years, writes Bob Champion. They are going to need the help of quality holistic advisers, therefore, more than ever
Will Hale asks if the siloed nature of advice is constraining the equity release market rather than protecting or better, enhancing it?
Calling retirees ‘pensioners’ is becoming less and less factual by the day. Property will become a cornerstone of later life planning, writes Andrea Rozario
Bob Champion has been weighing up the risks of a trip to Cornwall during the pandemic. Here's why he ended up in Eastbourne...
Bob Champion looks at retiring earlier than expected, something labelled as an "unwelcome drama" by some due to their debt levels. Could equity release be the answer?
A new lifetime mortgage was launched every 28 hours in 2020, according to Andrea Rozario. Her new favourite statistic. But the market can go further, she writes
Andrea Rozario takes a property-related look at this year's Budget and says she does not envy politicans one bit right now...
Bob Champion looks ahead to next week's Budget - which he says is one of the most important delivered by any Chancellor, at any time...
A holistic approach to funding retirement is now crucial, argues David Burrowes. Here he outlines how the UK’s £4trn untapped property wealth has an important role to play