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Professional Adviser

Who owns the property? The fact that ownership of real estate can trigger an unwanted and unanticip...

Who owns the property? The fact that ownership of real estate can trigger an unwanted and unanticipated tax connection (since it implies either a business or residential presence in a jurisdiction) means that effects of ownership of land and buildings will never be as straightforward as the ownership of bank deposits or securities. However, banks are increasingly willing to lend to individuals against property acquired for investment rather than for personal occupation and will lend to both UK expatriates and foreign nationals to acquire residential property in the UK for investment purpo...

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the easy guide to...

Professional Adviser
clock 01 November 2005 •

The impact of domicile and tax on cross-border property investing

despite simplification, rules for uk cross border property remain complex

Professional Adviser
clock 01 December 2003 •

The cat's out of the bag...

With remortgaging levels still high, many borrowers are using it as a vehicle to raise low-interest capital. But how do lenders view the risks?

Professional Adviser
clock 28 August 2003 •