Industry urges Labour Party to 'leave pensions system alone'

‘It will create more confusion and needs to be left alone for a few years’

Isabel Baxter
clock • 2 min read

Most of the industry does not support the Labour Party’s proposal for a full review of the UK pensions system, a Professional Adviser poll has shown.

Our latest PA Asks results revealed that 69% do not support the proposal, 24% do and 7% do not know. This comes after Labour stated that it would undertake a review of pensions in the UK as well as "act to increase investment from pension fund in UK markets". It also committed to the state pension triple lock. Multiple industry respondents have said that the party should "leave pensions alone". One said: "Let people plan with certainty without having to worry that the rules might change in the future. "We have one life which would be considerably easier without politicians chang...

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