Many pensioners are going on a spending binge in their first year of retirement causing severe financial hardship in later years, according to Prudential.
Pensioners that receive independent advice on their retirement fare considerably better than those who do not, according to MGM Advantage.
Brokers say their role is becoming increasingly advisory, rather than sales focused, as the mortgage market dries up.
The Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB) has teamed up with two estate agents to offer independent mortgage advice to their customers.
The Association of IFAs has launched a service for retired IFAs highlighting the fact they will remain liable for the advice they've given for up to 15 years.
Landlords will need to seek professional advice in order to maximise their buy-to-let returns in 2008, according to Alliance & Leicester (A&L).
Charcol, one of the UK's largest mortgage brokers, is to offer fee-free mortgage advice over the telephone.
The UK equity release market has defied the credit crunch and housing market slowdown with demand up 9% in 2007, according to Key Retirement Solutions (KRS).
Almost a quarter of all consumers do not know where to access advice on equity release products, according to Newcastle Building Society Equity Release Service (NERS).
Newcastle Building Society Equity Release Service is asking advisers who do not have a specialist knowledge of equity release products to introduce it to suitable clients.