We are nearing the end, dear readers. After a week of hearty, healthy debate on whether percentage charging models are a "relic of a bygone era", we publish our experts' final statements. Who wins your vote?
Does a percentage-of-assets adviser fee model encourage contingent charging? Do fixed fees represent the ‘modern, professional way' to charge?
Everything advisers need to know about the week
Why is competition so lacking in financial advice?
Advisers could lose thousands of pounds in probate fees as platform funds are being converted to clean share classes, which don't support ongoing trail payments upon client death.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has found increased professionalism in the advice sector and better disclosure of services and charges, but one firm has been referred to enforcement for "insufficiently engaging" with the Retail Distribution Review...
Financial advice should be grouped by type of service and given price tags to break down the barriers consumers often face when shopping for it, Unbiased chief executive Karen Barrett has suggested.
Less than a tenth of the population has complex enough needs to warrant the fees they would pay for advice, and would be better served by guidance, an IFA has said.
Consumers are put off seeking regulated advice because they don't know how to judge its quality, research commissioned by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) suggests.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is reluctant to provide further guidance on key advisory issues on which it has already offered direction, suggesting it would not be helpful.