Norwich Union's unfettered fund of funds (Fof) range exposes investors to double taxation on dividends.
The biggest criticism of investing in multi-manager funds has been that they systematically underperform their relevant benchmarks.
Development of the ‘multi manager' investment concept has presented IFAs with an entry into portfolio management, which both the adviser and client might otherwise not have been able to afford.
Norwich Union is improving its range of funds of funds by switching to an unfettered style of investing.
Multimanager investments take two broad approaches: fund of funds (fof), and manager of managers (mom).
Do you really know how a fund of funds or manager of managers investment works, how to compare funds TERs and performance, and when such investments might best suit your clients?
Dutch bank ABN Amro is planning to launch a fund of arts funds by February next year, possibly providing retail investors with access to a wide range of arts assets.