The IMA has made a raft of changes to its fixed income sectors following a recent review.
The UK has entered a full blown recession and IFAs should be looking at UK gilts to safeguard client assets, City Financial's Ian Williams says.
For a long time, corporate bonds have been seen as a safe-haven for investors seeking steady and relatively stable above-average returns.
A lack of communication about the funding status of defined benefit schemes could have the potential to lead to a "financial scandal".
Trustees and actuaries of pension schemes which have an investment strategy which is "too safe" could be open to claims of negligence.
If the government decides to abolish or alter alternatively secured pensions in the pre-Budget Report, pensioners will be left with no choice but annuities past the age of 75, but are these still a viable proposition?
The UK government's gilt issuing policy may not only be affecting annuity values but also the prospects of deferred members of pension schemes which are winding up.
Property funds which hold shares rather than physical property could be a more volatile investment, according to research by New Star.
A survey of the UK annuity market published by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has highlighted potential risks for the insurance industry in dealing with longevity risk and long-term debt shortages.
MILLIONS OF investors in with-profits savings policies will have access to much clearer information on what their holdings are worth following the introduction of stricter disclosure rules for these notoriously opaque products, reports The Financial...