'Not a holistic service'
A Labour peer has attacked the annuity market, claiming it "plays fast and loose" with the regulatory framework.
The regulator's ‘second line of defence' for retirees will be extended to cover trust-based pension scheme members as well those in contract-based arrangements, peers have heard.
Proposals for a financial transaction tax are ‘significantly detrimental to the UK's interest', according to a Lords committee.
Government must work with financial services to ensure housing equity can be released "without excessive charges or risk" and improve consumer confidence, a House of Lords committee has urged.
The government is ‘woefully underprepared' for the impact a rapidly ageing population will have on society and public services, a Lords Committee has warned.
The Financial Services Bill is being "rushed" through Parliament without proper consideration being given to proposed changes, Andrew Tyrie has said.
The issue of advising small pension pots is to be debated in the House of Lords on 27 November.
The Association of Christian Financial Advisers (ACFA) is supporting legal moves to stimulate increased social investment in the UK.