The level of compensation due to 10,000 Equitable Life customers who bought with-profits annuities before 1992 would be "impossible to calculate", Tory MP Jonathon Evans says.
A dispute between medical consultants and Private Medical Insurers has escalated in the House of Lords.
Commercial secretary Lord Sassoon has been told to take steps to improve consumer access to the open market option (OMO) and intervene on poor annuity rates.
Peter Barnett, a policy analyst in the House of Lords, gives his initial view of the Spending Review and its impact on financial services.
The government spending review will have a direct effect on financial services
Lord Ashcroft transferred his £17m stake of his main UK company Impellam Group to a trust for his children on 5 April this year to avoid new tax rules.
The Government has announced a policy of cutting across all departments. Peter Barnett assesses what this regime of a thousand cuts means for the protection and health intermediary
Peter Barnett gives an insider's view of the problems addressing the new Government, and their effect on the the protection and health insurance sectors
The man who first proposed the break- up of the FSA and a return of powers to the Bank of England is set to become the coalition Government's key business spokesman in the House of Lords.
Care for the elderly and disabled at home is currently enjoying a high political profile. Given the Governments concerns in this area, do you see this sector becoming mainstream for the protection and health insurance industries, rather than its current...