Late last year we saw potential for a resurgence of interest from insurers into long-term care funding. Peter Barnett looks at what's happened since then
The Pensions Bill has moved to the House of Commons with one additional amendment: to strengthen the regulatory framework of the alternative certification model.
A House of Lords committee yesterday dropped an amendment to the Pensions Bill that would have created protection for transgender people against unfair state pension calculations.
It took a while, but the past six months have seen politicians in Westminster finally take note of RDR and the way it may impact advisers and consumers.
Members of the House of Lords have criticised the European Court of Justice ruling on gender discrimination in insurance policies and annuities.
The new scheme will change the employee benefits landscape, but as Peter Barnett points out, there will be winners and losers
The Equitable Life (Payments) Bill passed its second and third readings in the House of Lords yesterday, but not without renewed calls for pre-1992 annuitants to be included in compensation payouts.
Bupa has delivered a strong response to news that concerns over health insurers' doctor payment schedules are to be reported to the FSA.
Concerns over the conduct of health insurers are to be reported to the FSA by Lord Sassoon, the Commercial Secretary to the Treasury.
The House of Lords has held a debate on the impact that private medical insurers' reimbursement policies have on cancer patients.