The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) must monitor the overall rate of participation in auto-enrolment rather than focusing on opt-out rates, providers have warned.
Insurance giant Legal & General (L&G) has reported increased operating profit of £1,087m following double digit sales growth.
Legal & General (L&G) has increased protection against pension liberation outfits after The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and other bodies highlighted the plight of people taken in by such schemes.
About 12,000 pensioners who hold annuities with Legal & General (L&G) have been left without their regular payouts after a technical blunder.
Insurers have warned against "distracting" the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) from its original purpose by lifting government-imposed restrictions.
Legal & General (L&G) has reported increased pension assets of £429m in the third quarter as a result of auto-enrolment.
‘Inappropriate' active member discounts (AMDs) could threaten the success of auto-enrolment and must be restricted, Legal & General has warned.
Cofunds is planning to target life companies failing to attain traction in the platform market.