IFAs have reacted angrily to Mark Hoban's comparison today between entry level exams for advisers and McDonald's workers. We take a look at what you need to do to work in the UK's premier fast food chain...
Advisers preparing for the RO6 component of the Diploma in Financial Planning have been offered online support by Zurich UK Life.
Services provider Tenet has been given prior learning accreditation by the CII to develop, administer and mark an alternative to the JO5 Pensions Income Options exam module.
An increasing number of advisers are seeking information about RDR-compliant qualifications, according to research from unbiased.co.uk.
Advisers say the CF8 exam does not give IFAs a full enough grasp of the long term care market.
Exam writers Calibrand have entered the market with an 'RDR-ready' QCF Level 4 offering for financial advisers.
IFAs are under-equipped to benefit from a looming explosion of interest in long term care products, says a market specialist.
The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has launched a new virtual classroom to help advisers working towards a Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning.
People who need financial advice don't often seek it but, as IFA Angela Wise of WH Ireland explains, there are ways to get the message across.
The first advisers have begun signing up to AIFA's new Diploma in Investment Planning.