The post-RDR world and our approach
Scottish Widows has launched a dedicated automatic enrolment website and telephone based helpline to help advisers dealing with the regulations.
The intermediary landscape in 2013 and how we're supporting it.
Will the intermediary marketplace be unrecognisable in 12 months? Watch our expert panel debate.
The start of 2013 has brought some New Year cheer to equity investors, with the FTSE 100 recording its best January since 1989.
Scottish Widows is considering re-entering the IFA protection market, possibly in 2014.
Scottish Widows has announced its post-Retail Distribution Review (RDR) charging model and the enhancement of its e-commerce channel.
Fiona Murphy gathers industry reaction about the pension changes laid out in the Autumn Statement
Pension experts are urging women to make retirement provision as research shows nearly half (43%) are relying on joint savings with their partners.
The Scottish Widows Women and Pension Report examines the growing gap between the amount that men and women are saving for retirement.