Advisers often bemoan the regulator for failing to tell them what it wants. But in the first half-year its technical specialist and all-round public face of the FCA, Rory Percival, has tackled at least six key issues. Do you really want to hear from him...
Top tips for completing super-safe suitability reports
Why clients should try to disprove their adviser
Thousands of miles, hundreds of advisers, one word repeated
Why advisers' approach to final salary pensions has changed forever
Wealth management firms are facing more serious consequences from a failure to meet suitability requirements as the regulator puts practices under fresh scrutiny.
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) technical specialist Rory Percival has hinted the regulator and ombudsman are working to agree on guidelines around suitability reporting for advisers.
The regulator's definition of "vulnerable consumer" must include those with gaps in their understanding of financial terms and products to prevent another misselling scandal, a software provider has said.
Platform technology provider FNZ is rolling out an alternative to traditional suitability tools to its platform and adviser clients, to help them assess consumers' broader understanding of financial services.